stroke: 30 mm, Weight:1,9 kg with battery, working power:20000N More information at |
Our offer
NIROSTAL Sp. z o.o. Tuchomska 11 80-209 Chwaszczyno |
VAT No.: PL5851452561 REGON: 220942520 KRS: 0000347260 |
phone/fax +48 58 341 92 02 phone +48 58 741 87 25 fax.+48 58 741 87 26 e-mail: http: |
Open: Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm |
Bank details: ING Bank Śląski S.A. PL 37 1050 1764 1000 0090 7149 8365 SWIFT: INGBPLPW |
District Court: District Court for Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, 8th Business Department of the National Court Register in Gdańsk. Equity capital: PLN 50,000 | |